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Denture Brush
Our two-way denture brush is designed to be easy to grip and use. It features a curved head on one side so it follows the natural contour of dentures when you are brushing it. And a pointed brush head to help clean better in between gaps of teeth. -
FlossPicks Value 2-IN-1 Mint Flosser 24pcs
Sometimes you just want us to keep it simple and offer great value. So that’s what we’ve done with our FlossPicks Value variant. We’ve kept it simple – use one side as floss and the other as a tooth pick. -
FlossPick F 2-IN-1 PTFE Mint Flosser 36pcs
We understand you hate getting floss stuck in between teeth, especially around tight gaps, so we’ve made the floss on our FlossPick F™ smoother and shred-resistant. -
FlossCare Classic Waxed Mint Floss 200m
The smart way to get the most out of your floss is to buy more for less with FlossCare.
It does everything you would want a floss to do – kills bacteria, prevents cavities, freshens breath and removes stains – and gives you the best value for your money. -
FlossCare Classic Waxed Mint Floss 100m
The smart way to get the most out of your floss is to buy more for less with FlossCare.
It does everything you would want a floss to do – kills bacteria, prevents cavities, freshens breath and removes stains – and gives you the best value for your money. -
FlossCare Hi-Tech Waxed Mint Floss 50m
Brighter smiles are a result of bright ideas. And there are a whole lot of bright ideas in FlossCare Hi-Tech Waxed Mint Floss. It’s unique ultra-wide floss design covers more of each tooth.